Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Delicate Dance of Joy and Grief

It has been nearly 7 months since I last blogged. Without providing an excuse- I will say that my silence says much about this leg of the journey. Perhaps- today- I am turning a corner and I may be able to fill you in little with some upcoming entries. For now- I will be brief.

Our grief is still very real. A week tomorrow marks one year since our precious Angel Samuel entered and exited this world. At moments- I feel like our experience of him is surreal and I question if it really happened. In other moments- I am brought right back to his scent, his lightness in my arms and his kissable cheeks. What a gift!

Our Joy is also real. On August 1, 2014- we found out we were expecting. This pregnancy has been its own journey- as it has surfaced new feelings surrounding our loss of Samuel, it has caused fear that we may need to walk the same road again and it has come with some physical unknowns and difficulties.  All that to say- I am 30 weeks pregnant today and our Baby Bits (as we fondly refer to him or her) is rolling around and kicking as I write. What a gift!

This is a picture of Baby Bits at 28 weeks gestation. Our AMAZING specialist did a quick 3D shot for us!!! Though we have had some other complications- Bits only shows signs of health!

In both grief and joy-multiple truths still stand:

1. The same God that held me throughout last year- holds me today.
2. He is Good!
3. We dare to hope because we have caught an even deeper glimpse of an eternal perspective that far outweighs anything we will face or experience (good or bad) here on earth.
4. We are anticipating the arrival of our 3rd child- each one of our children is a blessing, has their own story and was specifically given to us- so that we can steward the gift that they are- according to who Christ has called us to be as their parents.

This is all I can muster tonight. My heart has so many stories and lessons to share.

I feel called and convicted to continue to tell our redemptive story. 

Thanks for reading!