Thursday, January 23, 2014

A Quick Update

We are 36 weeks today and- in this moment I am feeling hope and peace. Moriah and I picked out the first outfit we would like Samuel to wear after he is born.  We picked out the receiving blankets we plan to take to the hospital and she insisted on sifting through her books and picking a few to put in Samuel's room-- she picked the one's that she thought he would like best.

The days following my last post have been up and down.  On Monday- we learned that Samuel had grown a little from the week before- but still not much.  Moriah and I heard his heartbeat and marveled at how it increased at the sound of her voice (so cool).  At the same appointment- we learned that there is much trepidation --on behalf of the medical staff where we will be delivering-- regarding our labor and delivery. I am going to choose not to share much on this-- as it makes me quite emotional and because I understand that our story carries with it many unknowns that are not only daunting to us but also to those who are being pushed out of their comfort zones as they care for us.  All I will ask (and I have asked it before) is that you please pray for those medical staff who are meant to be with us as this story unfolds.  Please pray that the right people are on shift at the right time. That they will see that we are just as scared as they are- and that we trust them implicitly - as we believe that they are (will be) hand picked for the job.  Pray for us to have a confidence in them (that results from our trust that God will orchestrate the right care team) and pray for the staff to have a confidence in their decisions and assessments of Samuel and myself. Pray for a peace that passes all understanding to reside in our labour and delivery room.  

Tuesday and Wednesday were tough.  I felt little to no movement-- to the point where I truly believed that our time with Samuel- in utero- had come to an end.  This resulted in a series of emotions, much prayer, practice of surrender, hurt and ultimately an odd peace.  I asked for God's grace as we celebrated Chris' birthday yesterday and I decided that I would not go to the doctor until today- to confirm the loss that I believed had taken place.  Chris and I were blessed with a wonderful evening out last night while Granny and Grandpa spent time with Mo.  Shortly after dinner and while we started our movie- Samuel decided he wanted to celebrate Daddy also- I do not think he has stopped squirming and kicking since.  It was this shift that caused Mo and I to move forward in hope as we picked out his outfit and blankets today. 

We were blessed once again by Chris' faithful Grandma.  She called today as she is aware that we are on the four week (ish) countdown.  As she would say- "in a month, everything will be revealed."  She said her word for us today is this reminder: "Let Him have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that worries you and concerns you....He will not lay more on you(us) then you can handle."  Not only do I LOVE her reminder of a verse that has always been very dear to my heart but I LOVE the reminder that - this was something He has for us in order to help us face today.  We continue to put one foot in front of another- and to watch and see what the Lord will do. 

One final request-- Chris will be away on an overnight with Trinity Hockey this weekend.  We feel as though he should still go but I ask that you pray that there would be no fears of labor or anything else out of the ordinary-- while he is away. 

A picture of my kiddos and I. Before becoming a mom- I did not know love like this.  Thanks for reading and praying. 


  1. What a beautiful picture! Continuing to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Thank you, Seren, for being so vulnerable and sharing your heart. You are a huge blessing to your readers - even in this!
    I read a great quote yesterday - "The truth is, you don't have to have a big faith - you just need little faith - in a BIG God! Your God is the God of the universe. He can do anything!" And He is holding all of you in His hand!

  3. Sending prayers from Boston.

    Love, The McFarlands

  4. Dear Seren - you have been in our thoughts and prayers all along - I also love the quote Mary gave you - we have a BIG God who will stand with you, with a Shepherd's heart who will guide you on this scary journey. We love you guys lots and know that the very best is in store for you and your family - we continue to pray!

  5. Dear Serenity, I have only just come across your blog through a new friend of mine. I also, had a beautiful girl with Trisomy 18 who I got to hold and show off to family including her big sister. I will be praying for you and your little man!
